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Mask Fit Tests for Clinical Placement Students

Writer: Crystal PolsonCrystal Polson

Mask fit test for nursing students

If you’re a student getting ready to start (or continue) your clinical placements in a healthcare or aged care setting, chances are you've been told to get an N95 mask fit test.

But why?!

The reason is that respirator masks rely on a tight seal to keep out very tiny airborne particles and aerosols such as COVID-19 viruses. Fit testing ensures that you have a brand, style, and size of N95 or P2 respirator that fits your face and doesn't let in microscopic particles.

This article will discuss why mask fit testing for clinical placement students is necessary, the regulations governing it, and how we at Fit Test Victoria can help you stay compliant so you don't miss your clinical placements!

What Is Mask Fit Testing?

mask fit test for nursing students
N95 Fit Test Using a Fit Test Machine

Before we jump into why nursing and other health students need mask fit testing, we'll explain what a fit test is.

Put simply, mask fit testing uses a machine (either an AccuFit or PortaCount) to determine which brand, model, and size N95 or P2 mask you need to wear.

We start by putting a small metal probe into the N95 or P2 mask. Next, you put the mask on and we connect the tubing from your mask to the fit test machine (like the photo above). After you're all hooked up, we check that your mask is on correctly and we teach you how to do a seal check (to make sure there are no obvious big leaks).

And now the real fun begins. Once we hit 'start' on the fit test machine, you'll do a series of quick exercises (bending, talking, moving head). The machine simultaneiously pulls air from inside your mask and from the air in the room. If too many particles from around the room are sneaking in around the edges of your mask, you'll fail the fit test. If the machine detects minimal (or no) entry of particles into your mask, you pass.

The number the machine spits out at the end of your fit test is called the fit factor. You need an overall fit factor of 100 to pass.

Why Mask Fit Testing for Nursing Students is Necessary

Credit: 3M
Credit: 3M

Now that you know what a mask fit test is, let's go over why it's necessary.

As a nursing or clinical student, you'll likely encounter environments where exposure to airborne infectious agents is a risk. In these situations, you'll observe "airborne precautions."

Airborne precautions require you to wear either an N95 or P2 respirator.

Respirators are NOT one-size-fits-all. The point of a fit test is to find the brand/model/size of N95 or P2 mask that fits YOUR face.

Many people erroneously believe that N95/P2 masks are only used for COVID-19. This couldn't be further from the truth. In any situation where airborne infectious diseases are the risk, and airborne precaustions are required, N95 or P2 respirators should be used.

Some examples of airborne biohazards requiring N95 or P2 respirators include:

  • Measles

  • Shingles

  • Tuberculosis

  • Anthrax

  • SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome)

Here’s why mask fit testing for nursing and clinical students is a requirement:

  • To protect YOU: N95 and P2 respirators are designed to filter out 94-95% of microscopic airborne particles, such as bacteria and viruses. A tight seal around your face is essential for the mask to be effective and provide its stated level of protection. If your respirator doesn't fit properly, harmful particles can leak in, putting you and your patients at risk.

  • To protect PATIENTS: As a healthcare provider in training, you are responsible for not only your own safety but also the safety of your patients. Proper fitting respirators that have been fit tested minimize the risk of you transmitting infections to others.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Healthcare facilities have strict infection control standards, and students are not exempt. Mask fit testing for nursing students ensures compliance with these regulations, which are designed to maintain a safe environment for everyone involved in patient care.

Understanding N95 vs. P2 Respirators

We thought we'd add this section to clear up some confusion.

When we fit test students, we always ask if they've ever had a fit test. If they say yes, we ask which brand/model. Invariably, we hear "I passed on the N95 brand."

Respirators worn in healthcare settings in Australia are either N95 or P2. N95 and P2 are not the brands - it's the filtration level.

In essence, N95 and P2 respirators are almost identical in terms of their performance and protective capabilities. N95 respirators are certified by NIOSH in the USA and P2 respirators are certified by AS/NZS 1716 in Australia. That's the biggest difference.

Fun fact: N95 and P2 filters filter out submicron particles (like viruses) at even higher levels of protection than 95 or 94%. If you want to know why, this is a great article about how these masks work. Come on, you know you want to geek out on the physics of N95 masks. Who wouldn't?

How We Conduct Mask Fit Testing for Nursing Students at Fit Test Victoria

At Fit Test Victoria, we specialize in providing mask fit testing for nursing and clinical students.

With two convenient locations in Coburg and Oakleigh, we make getting a mask fit test easy.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Go to our website and book a date/time that works for you. Be sure to choose the 'Student Fit Test' option so you'll receive a discounted price.

  2. Arrive at your appointment clean-shaven and don't smoke or vape at least 30 minutes before your scheduled time.

  3. You don't need to bring anything to the appointment. We provide N95/P2 masks for testing. All our masks are on the Department of Health's "approved list."

  4. We aim to get you a pass in 2 masks. Sometimes, this is not possible but we try. We have never sent anyone away without at least 1 pass.

  5. You will get your fit test certificates emailed to you before you leave the appointment.

The whole process takes around 20 minutes. Easy peasy.

We can also come to your campus to do group fit testing. If you're interested call 0428 630 109 or email:

Wrapping Up

Mask fit testing for nursing and clinical students is essential to ensure safety and compliance when you're at your clinical placements.

At Fit Test Victoria, we make the process easy.

Ready to schedule your fit test? Visit us at to learn more about our fit testing services tailored for nursing and clinical students. Stay protected, stay compliant, and ensure your mask fits perfectly every time.

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